- ivnish Kazakhstan
5 years without any activity. I think we can close it as outdated. Please reopen if needed.
Given a flagging entity is configured for a given entity type, and its setting "Display checkbox on entity edit form" is checked
When flagging flag/unflag is invoked in a hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update (or hook_entity_update) for an entity of that type
Then the flag/unflag action happens as expected
And the Flag form edit field value for Flag is then immediately applied (potentially unsetting the expected flag action).
I don't know if this is the implementer/developer's responsibility to negotiate or if some option might be set in Flag.. But it sure threw me for a loop, so I thought I would open it for discussion. At the outset, I didn't see access to the submitted form (containing embedded Flag form) from within the main entity's update hook.
Hi - I've loved Flag for years :) and finally have a really practical application for it!
Is there some reason that the same flag()
operation works in code when run normally (ie. in a function or via `/devel/php`) but not when run within a hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update()
$entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('my_entity')->load(2);
$flag_service = \Drupal::service('flag');
$flag = $flag_service->getFlagById('review_notification_queued');
$flag_service->flag($flag, $entity);
If I run the above in /devel/php
I can see the db.flagging record created immediately after ->flag(), but when I invoke the same thing from a hook_.._update, I don't see any db record added nor error/log message. Yes, I've confirmed this is for an entity whose entity_id is not yet in the flagging table. And yes, I can watch it in the debugger: It is definitely getting to ->flag() in my entity's update hook.
It's the same with the unflag() operation. Here's with debugger running, down in the guts, I just watched this line from EntityBase::delete()
$this->entityTypeManager()->getStorage($this->entityTypeId)->delete([$this->id() => $this]);
and confirmed valid and matching $this->id() and $this being passed in, etc etc.
Observation: If I interrupt after calling flag()/unflag() by breaking debugger or hardcoding an exit
, the flagging also "sticks" as expected. Is this something likely local to my environment?
Is there something about the flagged entity having just been updated also being the same one being flagged?
Closed: outdated
Flag core
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
5 years without any activity. I think we can close it as outdated. Please reopen if needed.