Configuration options for registrant email address

Created on 26 October 2019, over 4 years ago
Updated 7 August 2023, 11 months ago

Subject to permissions, it is currently possible for anonymous users to make a registration without providing any registrant information. In particular the registrant email address.

Also. If an authenticated user does not submit a registrant email, then event emails are not sent. This feature smells like a bug.

I can certainly imagine situation where it's okay to register anonymously for an event, but there should be some configuration options with sensible defaults for the registrant email.

- For anonymous users.
Require the registrant email address
-- Default TRUE

- For authenticated users.
Allow registrant email address if different to user account
-- Default FALSE and no display of registrant email input. Event emails are sent to registered email

-- If TRUE. Registrant email input is displayed. Event emails are sent here.
--- Help text 'The email address of the registrant, if different to your user account'.

There will also be cases (GDPR ??) where an email is required but an opt-out should be provided, but I don't think we need to go there in this issue.

✨ Feature request





Recurring Events Registration (Submodule)

Created by

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom MrPaulDriver

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  • πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom unqunq

    I came to this page as I was testing these modules for a new client. The email field coming up for an authenticated user is too much work for the user and opens to typing mistakes when the user just wants to register themselves.

    In this case @MrPaulDriver's suggestion would work for us. I'll try to allocate time for this in the next month or so (we're only starting the project now so it can take some time before I get to it.)

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