Add permission to allow 'missing media' to be hidden from anonymous users

Created on 30 June 2019, over 5 years ago
Updated 26 January 2023, about 2 years ago


There's no way to suppress the missing entity placeholder. For example, if you don't want to show it to anonymous users, or certain roles.

Proposed resolution

Add a permission to view the placeholder.

Remaining tasks


User interface changes

API changes

We're adding an update hook that will give this permission to authenticated users. Therefore, if you would like anonymous users to see the placeholder, you will need to add the permission to the anonymous role.

Data model changes

Release notes snippet

Original issue summary

As a follow up to #3063705: Improve `alt` and `title` attributes for missing entity indicator , can we have a configuration setting to just log to the watchdog and not rendering the big missing entity image? I'm not a big fan of that personally. I would prefer just the watchdog log.

Most likely you can use hook_entity_embed_alter or one of the other hooks to stop this rendering but I think a setting makes sense.

Happy to contribute a patch when I get some time.

Feature request

Needs work





Created by

🇳🇿New Zealand danielveza Brisbane, AU

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