Allow resending of newsletters

Created on 21 May 2019, about 5 years ago
Updated 1 August 2023, 11 months ago

["Part 2" of original issue summary]

When an issue has been sent, optionally allow to send an extra copy to specific recipients, in a very similar way to the existing 'test newsletter'. This is useful if a subscriber bounced and you fix the address or if you get bug reports about bad links and want to send yourself another test or if someone subscribes and tells you they would like a copy of the recent past newsletter.


"Part 1" of original issue summary was like this:

When an issue has been sent, optionally allow to go back and send the entire again. For example, this would make sense if the newsletter issue related to an event and the newsletter was used to send a reminder; if the event was altered or cancelled at the last minute then you would need to send again.

✨ Feature request






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🇬🇧United Kingdom AdamPS

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