- 🇮🇳India ankithashetty Karnataka, India
Agree with #8, this seems like a bug with facets. Added details here [#3225764] 🐛 Facets doesn't work correctly with views infinite scroll Active
- Setup facets filters for an ajax view
- Make sure that one facet holds more results than infinite scroll displays without loading more items
- Select that facet
- Let infinite scroll load more items
- See that the facet filter selection is not respected and all results of the view are loaded
Additionally, visiting the facet selection by direct link we are missing images, though that might be more difficult to reproduce since we have a more complicated sapi/facet integration.
This is likely a facets issue, so I linked it from 🌱 [META] Overview of Facets + Ajax issues Active . If it is we might want to move it the the facets issue queue.
- Sort out architectural facet/ajax issues
- or ...?
I am facing one issue , when the facet element count is more than items per page in automatic scroll its taking all the items for the view irrespective of the facet selected. For example I have kept items per page as 8 and one facet is having 12 items. After selecting on the facet first 8 items are showing correctly from the selected facet. But if I scroll down its showing all the items for the view irrespective of the facet selected. Any help is highly appreciated.Thanks
Closed: works as designed
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Agree with #8, this seems like a bug with facets. Added details here [#3225764] 🐛 Facets doesn't work correctly with views infinite scroll Active