Hi there. First thing, thanks much for creating this module! I was working on a clone of RssFields.php row handler when I cam across this project. I'm actually very surprised there hadn't already been a Flipboard RSS module for Drupal 8, so this is great news. I'm happy to help out, as this is an important feature of any commercial content website worth its salt, being able to distribute content via Flipboard. Cheers.
That said, while adding Category, via a Taxonomy reference field, is working swimmingly, I cannot seem to get the enclosure field working. Obviously, there is no documentation, yet, as the project is in its infancy, but what are the steps to prpduce a proper enclosure field for a media-reference field.
So, I have a field called 'Thumbnail'. It's a media reference field for Media type 'Image'. By default, this field displays as 'Label' -- I've tried "Rendered Entity' and 'Thumbnail' displays, to no avail. The RSS preview output shows the value returned from Views, but it is never wrapped in an '' element.
I'll keep throwing things at it until something sticks, but if anybody has some tips, much obliged.
Thanks again! :)