jquery_colorpicker: Picker js doesn't show. New installation, 404 on jquery file assets css, js, and png

Created on 6 March 2019, about 6 years ago
Updated 25 January 2023, about 2 years ago

Looks like you've had to go quite a distance to get this module up from D7! Thank you for all the efforts!

I installed in the recommended composer require drupal/jquery_colorpicker:^2.0 way, but when I go to a Content Add screen with this field on it, there is no field shown on screen, and Chrome developer console shows 404 loading necessary library assets like:
/vendor_files/jaypan/jquery-colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css, .js, and .png. Note that it has "vendor_files" in the path, and I think that's not right ... is it?

What could I try in order to move forward?

Please also note (but this is not the point of _this_ issue queue support request:
I tried installing with the recommended composer require drupal/jquery_colorpicker:^2.0, and I also ran drush en jquery_colorpicker -y successfully which also enabled "vendor_stream_wrapper" and "colorapi". This "out of the box" experience seems to also require visiting the Color config screen /admin/config/color/settings, because before having set the "Enable Color Field" option, I was getting a WSOD Unexpected Error:

Error: Call to undefined method Drupal\jquery_colorpicker\Plugin\Field\FieldType\JqueryColorpickerColorItem::getColorName() in        
                                           Drupal\colorapi\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\ColorapiWidgetBase->formElement() (line 35 of                                                
                                           /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/colorapi/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/ColorapiWidgetBase.php) #0                                    

when I tried to create a new field of type Color and then hit Save on the second Field Edit screen. And after clicking Enable Color Picker, this was no problem.


🐛 Bug report

Needs review





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🇺🇸United States texas-bronius

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