Add Translate button for translate-able reference entities in entity browser form widget

Created on 7 February 2019, almost 6 years ago
Updated 15 September 2023, about 1 year ago

There's an issue with media browser, content_moderation & content_translation: when you enable content moderation all non-translatable fields MUST be hidden on the translation edit form. But media references are typically non-translatable entity references. So you can no longer select a translation using the media browser (as it is hidden on the translations).

For now I disabled content_moderation but this seems like a bug.

Not sure if this belongs in content_moderation or in entity_browser.

Feature request

Needs work





Created by

🇧🇪Belgium mpp

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  • Needs tests

    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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  • 🇮🇳India vsujeetkumar Delhi

    Hi sokru, Not able to reproduce the issue mentioned in #19, Step 1. I have followed the below given steps, Please have a look and confirmed them.

    1: Install Fresh D10.
    2: Installed Modules Like: Multilingual, Moderation, Entity Browser, Entity Browser IEF & ctool.
    3: Created Entity Browser.
    General Settings:
    - Display: Model
    - Widget Selector: Tabs
    - Selection Display: No Selection Display
    Widget Settings:
    - Form: entity_form
    - Operations:
    - Entity Type: Media
    - Bundle: Document
    4: Enable the translation for Media Type: Document.
    5: Created "Media" Entity Reference field with "Document" Media type In Basic page content type.
    6: Enable the translation for Reference field "Media". (Created in Step 5)
    7: In Manage Form Display select “Entity Browser” for "Media" field (Created in Step 5)
    8: Apply the patch given in #17.
    9: Create the node (basic page).
    10: Add the translation node. (Created in Step 9)
    11: Go to the "/admin/content" and edit the translated node.
    12: From the Media field click on the Translation CTA.
    13: Updated the details (Title, Document).
    14: Click on "SAVE" CTA.
    15: Configuration saved successfully, NO Issue found.

  • 🇮🇳India sumit-k

    I have successfully replicated the issue mentioned in #19 after applying the changes from #17. I'm sharing a patch that has resolved the issue for me.

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