How to programmatically change Workflow State of translated node

Created on 3 December 2018, about 6 years ago
Updated 26 March 2024, 9 months ago

I have a content node that has several translated nodes attached to it. My goal is to set the workflow transition state of translated nodes according to the state of the "original" node.
The problem is, that the "original" node properly changes its workflow transition state, but the translated nodes are untouched.
I noticed, that I get several Warnings 'Transition is executed twice in a call. The second call for node 1 is not executed.' when trying to update the workflow state of all of the nodes translations. That could explain that the state of the translations doesn't update.
But how can the workflow state of the translations be synced to the main (in this case english) one?

I think this is a bug

Code to reproduce the problem (called in a form_submit handler):

$entity= $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity();
$user = User::load(\Drupal::currentUser()->id());
$fieldName = 'field_workflow_state';
$formToState = $form_state->getValue($fieldName)[0]['workflow_transition']->getToState()->id();
$existingTranslations = array_keys($entity->getTranslationLanguages());
$currentLanguage = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
foreach ($existingTranslations as $translationAbbreviation) {
  if ($currentLanguage !== $translationAbbreviation) {
    $translatedEntity = $entity->getTranslation($translationAbbreviation);
    $currentSid = $translatedEntity->$fieldName->value;
    $transition = WorkflowTransition::create([$currentSid, 'field_name' => $fieldName]);
    $comment = $form[$fieldName]['widget'][0]['comment']['#value'];
    $transition->setValues($formToState, $user->id(), \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), $comment, true);
    $transitionId = $transition->execute(true);
    $translatedEntity->$fieldName->value = $transitionId;

I also tried just using this:

$translatedEntity = $application->getTranslation($translationAbbreviation);
$translatedEntity->set($fieldAppRevState, $appFormToState);

but the problem persists.

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🇩🇪Germany jl_cs

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