Redirection issue when interface language is different from content language

Created on 8 August 2018, over 6 years ago
Updated 18 February 2025, 11 days ago

In my project, I force interface language to be always the same ; it helps content manager to get the interface in a language they know (sometimes they have to fix few things in a language they don't know so it helps).

If interface language (let's say English) and content language (let's say Chinese) don't match, if there is a redirection for the current URL (in Chinese), it won't match anything in the DB since it searches for a match in the DB with interface language (English).

In "src/EventSubscriber/RedirectRequestSubscriber.php" at line 137 we have :

$redirect = $this->redirectRepository->findMatchingRedirect($path, $request_query, $this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage()->getId());

and "getCurrentLanguage" code is :

public function getCurrentLanguage($type = LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE)

so it takes interface language and there is no match.


Use "getCurrentLanguage" with "LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT" as param.

Any impact? Or is there any reason to use the interface language?

🐛 Bug report

Needs work





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🇫🇷France progzy

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    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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