- 🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea
It should be "doable" by adding term name field and filter with right relationships to get to "Ingredients" taxonomy/vocabulary.
Here is a node structure which is storing cooking recipes
recipe (node)
-title (string)
-field_ingredient_quantity (paragraph)
-... (other fields)
field_ingredient_quantity (paragraph)
-field_ingredient (taxonomy term)
-field_quantity (float)
Let say that I woul like to filter all recipes containing mustard with the autocomplete filter on field_ingredient (inside the paragraph type field_ingredient_quantity)
Is it possible?
Closed: outdated
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
It should be "doable" by adding term name field and filter with right relationships to get to "Ingredients" taxonomy/vocabulary.