The last patch produces a warning if one of the field ancestors is NULL. For example, if the entity is only being created and the reference field is not set yet.
Fixed it by adding a simple check at the line 136 in the patch- Issue was unassigned.
xenophyle →
committed 455b0208 on 8.x-1.x
Issue #2949125 by aprice42, JeremySkinner, yanniboi, rjacobsen0,...
xenophyle →
committed 455b0208 on 8.x-1.x
xenophyle →
committed 608cec58 on 2.x
Issue #2949125 by aprice42, JeremySkinner, yanniboi, rjacobsen0,...
xenophyle →
committed 608cec58 on 2.x
- Status changed to Fixed
about 1 year ago 9:21pm 7 December 2023 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.