- 🇭🇺Hungary Szultino
If you want to convert rel to abs in fullhtml without use outer module, in views in the field settings choose "Override the output of this field with custom text", and write this kind of twig code:{{ field_FIELDNAME|replace({'"/files/': '"https://DOMIAN/files/'})|raw }}
The "raw" command at the end makes some errors (for example with media output), but I'm searching the perfect solutions...
- 🇺🇸United States angrytoast Princeton, NJ
Updating with a related issue link to a change that provides an "Use absolute link" option at the image URL field formatter level. This may be a viable solution?
https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3041402 ✨ Add option absolute url in formatter URL to image Needs review