Menu block with static menu links

Created on 18 September 2017, over 7 years ago
Updated 26 October 2023, over 1 year ago


If you attempt to create a custom menu links in custom module and render it in menu block with initial level option set to 2 or more, the block not render.

I've made this menu in custom module :

  title: 'Mon profil'
  menu_name: myproject-user
  class: Drupal\myproject_user\Plugin\Menu\ProfileMenuLink
  expanded: 1
  weight: 0
  title: 'Mon profil'
  parent: myproject_user.profile
  menu_name: myproject-user
  class: Drupal\myproject_user\Plugin\Menu\ProfileProfileMenuLink
  expanded: 1
  weight: 0
  title: 'Mes commandes'
  menu_name: myproject-user
  class: Drupal\myproject_user\Plugin\Menu\OrdersMenuLink
  expanded: 1
  weight: 1
  title: 'Historique des commandes'
  parent: myproject_user.orders
  menu_name: myproject-user
  class: Drupal\myproject_user\Plugin\Menu\OrdersHistoryMenuLink
  expanded: 1
  weight: 0
  title: 'Echanges/Rembousements'
  parent: myproject_user.orders
  menu_name: myproject-user
  class: Drupal\myproject_user\Plugin\Menu\OrdersRefundMenuLink
  expanded: 1
  weight: 1

Each link is correctly render when i'm set the initial value at 1 but not with 2 or more.

πŸ› Bug report

Postponed: needs info


11.0 πŸ”₯

Menu systemΒ  β†’

Last updated 2 days ago

Created by

πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺBelgium Cybercraft2003

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  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊAustralia acbramley

    Hey @Cybercraft2003

    Is this bug still reproducible on Drupal 10.1, or 11.x? If so, are you able to provide steps to reproduce from a clean Drupal install? Reason being is in your sample custom module code you're using custom Menu plugins so we just need to rule out that those are the cause.


  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed 6 months ago
  • πŸ‡³πŸ‡ΏNew Zealand quietone

    Nearly 1 year ago a request was made to provide steps to reproduce. Since we need that to continue and it has not been supplied, I am closing this issue.

    If you are experiencing this problem on a supported version of Drupal reopen the issue, by setting the status to 'Active', and provide complete steps to reproduce the issue β†’ (starting from "Install Drupal core").


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