How can we change the 'Other' field title or label

Created on 11 July 2017, over 7 years ago
Updated 12 May 2023, almost 2 years ago
Feature request






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  • 🇫🇷France Striknin Lyon


    This patch was very usefull into my project, thanks for that.
    But :

    The main wrapper should be a container instead of a form_element.

    This allows to have inside only the fields that interest us (select and other)

    All fields, should have a "#title"

    But actually with patch 21, "Other" field doesn't have one if settings are empty. In case of use of "Clientside validation" or other module like this, errors can't be display with the name of the field. Instead there is a "This field field is required." for example.

    Settings that we can customize (Label, name of option, placeholder) should be translatable.

    This can simply be possible with the use of t() function in some places. We should maybe, make these settings translatable with the use of config translation and UI, it should be more proper.

    I've created a patch, applied on tag 4.0.0 to include these modifications, I propose it in attachments (with interdiff patch).
    If I can, I will post a patch that can apply on default branch (dev)

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