Requests that start a session should not be allowed to be cached in page cache

Created on 5 January 2017, about 8 years ago
Updated 4 December 2024, 2 months ago


I've been tracking down a bug that happen on a custom page that set some session variables but ended up being cached.

The result was that later users then mananged to get to that page (it's part of a multi-step process) without the session being initialized, leading to errors on the next page.

Pretty sure this is the same in 7.x.

Proposed resolution

Do not treat a page with session data as cacheable?

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

🐛 Bug report

Needs work


11.0 🔥



Created by

🇨🇭Switzerland berdir Switzerland

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  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    I've been tracking down a bug that happen on a custom page that set some session variables but ended up being cached.

    I guess this custom page violates HTTP idempotency. In short, a GET or HEAD request should not modify data on the server.

    The page cache module assumes that developers respect this principle. I.e., it assumes that GET and HEAD requests do not modify data and as a consequence do not try to set session values.

    In order to modify data (even if its only session data), you need to use POST.

  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    To expand a little bit on the explanation above. Drupal in fact allows you to opt out of caching on specific routes using the no_cache route option. An example of such a route is system.cron in system.routing.yml.

      path: '/cron/{key}'
        _controller: '\Drupal\system\CronController::run'
        no_cache: TRUE
        _access_system_cron: 'TRUE'

    This is also a really good example for a reasonable exception to the HTTP idempotency rule.

    I suggest to close this issue (works as designed).

  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    I do not think that there is anything to fix here. Please reopen and provide clear steps for a reproduction or a custom controller / test case if you found a problem with the current page cache implementation.

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