Is there a generic or best practice based EntityBrowserViewsStyle?

Created on 4 January 2017, about 8 years ago
Updated 26 February 2024, about 1 year ago

Looking at:
- the thunder distribution and specifically the thunder_media module and the example browsing widget provided there
- the media entity browser module, which seems to mimic/derive the thunder approach

- the file entity browser module

- the #2822009: Improved MultiStep selection display issue

.. I see a somewhat related approach to displaying entities in the entity browser.

My question:
Would you think it a feasible and useful approach, to provide a generic views style with this module?

What I would imagine is a new views style, which allows to add fields and requires to select
- one image field
- one text field
- one select bulk form field
and then arranges those into something that looks like the above.

As far as I can tell, the modules above are not generic in that way.

Feature request

Needs review




User interface

Created by

🇩🇪Germany christianadamski Berlin, Germany

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