- 🇧🇪Belgium dieterholvoet Brussels
The Drupal 7 release of this module and Drupal 7 itself are unsupported. Feel free to reopen this issue if it is still relevant on the latest release of the module.
Notice: Undefined index: required in required_by_role_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter() (line 192 of .../sites/all/modules/contrib/required_by_role/required_by_role.module).
could may be fixed by changing line 192
'#weight' => $form['instance']['required']['#weight']
'#weight' => isset($form['instance']['required']['#weight']) ? $form['instance']['required']['#weight'] : 0 + 1,
Closed: won't fix
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
The Drupal 7 release of this module and Drupal 7 itself are unsupported. Feel free to reopen this issue if it is still relevant on the latest release of the module.