[D7] Automatically shorten cid's in DrupalDatabaseCache

Created on 1 September 2016, over 8 years ago
Updated 21 September 2022, over 2 years ago


When you pass in a $cid that is longer than 255 characters, it currently results in an Exception because it's longer that the VARCHAR column.

In addition the recently PhpBackend fails for log cache IDs (300 chars in the test)

Proposed resolution

Use a solution like the memcache module where a cid longer than 255 is replaced by a truncated cid plus a hash to keep it at the length limit but partially readable.

Remaining tasks

  • Create a patch.
  • Review the path.

User interface changes


API changes


Data model changes


This is a backport issue of #2224847: Automatically shorten cid's in Cache\DatabaseBackend and PhpBackend .

🐛 Bug report



7.0 ⚰️


Last updated about 10 hours ago

Created by

🇯🇵Japan hgoto

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