- 🇫🇷France dqd London | N.Y.C | Paris | Hamburg | Berlin
#2 IEF table is another project. This issue here is about reference_table_formatter and an error which indicates a call to an unsupported feature yet, which indicates that there is a chance to break a site by user action in connection with this module.
#5 This is not a feature request in this moment, you should use another issue for the actual feature you plan to implement. This here should be considered as a bug if there is something calling a feature which does not exist yet. And btw, it breaks the site when try to edit content in a Drupal 10 ++ installation having this module in use. The only chance to get the site back from WSOD is to uninstall this module. So my suggestion as module maintainer is:
1.) Leave this open as a bug and try to fix the issue as is for those who get this error at this very moment. A user should not be able to set something up which is not supported yet.
2.) Create a new issue where this feature implementation can be worked on and refer to this issue.A WSOD should be taken seriously that is why I recommend to increase the issue priority from normal to Major but I leave it up to the users and maintainers who are involded here. I was just here to post my recommendations regarding this.
- Issue was unassigned.
- 🇫🇷France dqd London | N.Y.C | Paris | Hamburg | Berlin
Apart from that I would not assing myself if there is no time yet to work on it (what I fully understand). But this way other users can chime in to help. Additional side-note: This Error occurs even if this formatter is not used in this content type randomly whe ntrying to edit content etc. So it obviously is a danger zone here breaking a project completely if a setting has been made on another point of the installation in connection with this module.