(Why the issue was filed, steps to reproduce the problem, etc.)
The $settings variable does not list `expire` or `authorize` as indexes.
Notice: Undefined index: authorize in FeedsECKprocessor->configForm() (line 154 of sites/xx/modules/contrib/feeds_eck_processor/plugins/FeedsECKprocessor.inc).
Notice: Undefined index: expire in FeedsECKprocessor->configForm() (line 178 of of sites/xx/modules/contrib/feeds_eck_processor/plugins/FeedsECKprocessor.inc).
(Description of the proposed solution, the rationale behind it, and workarounds for people who cannot use the patch.)
I have only tested with feeds-7.x-2.0-beta2
(reviews needed, tests to be written or run, documentation to be written, etc.)
(New or changed features/functionality in the user interface, modules added or removed, changes to URL paths, changes to user interface text.)
(API changes/additions that would affect module, install profile, and theme developers, including examples of before/after code if appropriate.)
(Database or configuration data changes that would make stored data on an existing site incompatible with the site's updated codebase, including changes to hook_schema(), configuration schema or keys, or the expected format of stored data, etc.)
(Text of the original report, for legacy issues whose initial post was not the issue summary. Use rarely.)
Closed: won't fix
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.