Is it suitable for anonymous users notifications ?

Created on 15 June 2016, over 8 years ago
Updated 6 November 2023, over 1 year ago

Message Stack seems to be a powerful but not so easy to setup set of modules and before to try it, I would like to have some advices to be sure it fits to my use case.

I thought I had a very simple and common use case, but I couldn't find any simple solution to achieve it.
I want to setup anonymous notifications for a blog.
That means I should have :

  1. a "subscribe" block (in the blog pages but also in other pages)
  2. that allow any visitor without authentication nor account creation (there is no authenticated users on this site except admin)
  3. to enter an e-mail adress and get a mail notification every time a new blog post is created in the blog.

Optionally I could need to let the visitor select which blog categories (taxonomy terms) he would like to be notify to.

Thanks to let me know if you think this module is well-suited to this case... or not, and if there is a best-suited module. If you know about some tutorial on that feature it would also be great...

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Closed: works as designed





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πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France remaye

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  • πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan heshamkh

    Hello, remaye
    if you mean you have the user email but the user not registered yet,
    yes you can .. I had a similar issue then I saw this β†’
    and this is how I solve this issue

       $owner_email = $entity->field_email->value;
        $message = Message::create(['template' => 'new_user_register_for_user']);
        // use this options array with the mail key if you want to send it to user who is not yet registered but you have his email
       // for contact us form or similar use case 
        $options =['mail' => $owner_email ];
        // Send a message to email directly.
        $notifier->send($message, $options);
  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed over 1 year ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bluegeek9

    You might be able to get the Message stack to send emails to anonymous users. But Message stack really is not the best choice.

    You want something like Simple News β†’ .

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