Running drupal 7.43 and better_exposed_filters 7.x-3.2-48-dev
I have a view in which I wished to rewrite the exposed filter values, leaving just 2 exposed, with different names. This is a date filter, so the filter list is 12 items long.
First off, there was no way of knowing what the original indices were without debugging the code. I tried:
0|new name
1|next name
but the code requires the actual values of the indices which are <, <= etc.
Without these indices, no joy.
Second, there seems to be an error in code where incorrect options are being called. Corrected code below. However, I have no idea of the affect of this change on anything else. I just needed to make this functionality work for me.
Beginning on line 1104 of, my changes can be found after lines beginning with:
foreach ($settings as $label => $options) {
// Sanity check: Ensure this filter is an exposed filter.
if (empty($filters[$label]) || !$filters[$label]->options['exposed']) {
// Form element is designated by the element ID which is user-
// configurable.
$filter_key = 'filter-' . (!empty($filters[$label]->options['is_grouped']) ? $filters[$label]->options['group_info']['identifier'] : $label);
// LS 8 May 2016 correct bug that prevents renaming of values
$filter_id = $form['#info'][$filter_key]['operator'];
// $filter_id = $form['#info'][$filter_key]['value'];
// Token replacement on BEF Description fields.
if (!empty($options['more_options']['bef_filter_description'])) {
// Collect replacement data.
$data = array();
$available = $options['more_options']['tokens']['available'];
if (in_array('vocabulary', $available)) {
$vocabs = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
$data['vocabulary'] = $vocabs[$filters[$label]->options['vid']];
/* Others? */
// Replace tokens.
$options['more_options']['bef_filter_description'] = token_replace(
$options['more_options']['bef_filter_description'], $data
$form[$filter_id]['#bef_description'] = $options['more_options']['bef_filter_description'];
// Handle filter value rewrites.
if (!empty($options['more_options']['rewrite']['filter_rewrite_values'])) {
$lines = explode("\n", trim($options['more_options']['rewrite']['filter_rewrite_values']));
$rewrite = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
list($search, $replace) = explode('|', $line);
if (isset($search)) {
$rewrite[$search] = $replace;
foreach ($form[$filter_id]['#options'] as $index => $option) {
$is_object = FALSE;
if (is_object($option)) {
// Taxonomy filters use objects instead of text.
$is_object = TRUE;
$option = reset($option->option);
// Hierarchical filters prepend hyphens to indicate depth. We need
// to remove them for comparison, but keep them after replacement to
// ensure nested options display correctly.
$option = ltrim($option, '-');
// LS 8 May 2016 should be $index not $option
if (isset($rewrite[$index])) {
// if (isset($rewrite[$option])) {
// LS 8 May 2016 should be $index not $option
if ('' == $rewrite[$index]) {
// if ('' == $rewrite[$index]) {
else {
if ($is_object) {
// dsm($form[$filter_id]['#options'][$index]->option, "$filter_id at $index");
// Taxonomy term filters are stored as objects. Use str_replace
// to ensure that keep hyphens for hierarchical filters.
list($tid, $original) = each($form[$filter_id]['#options'][$index]->option);
$form[$filter_id]['#options'][$index]->option[$tid] = str_replace($option, $rewrite[$option], $original);
else {
// LS 8 May 2016 should be $index not $option
$form[$filter_id]['#options'][$index] = $rewrite[$index];
// $form[$filter_id]['#options'][$index] = $rewrite[$option];
Closed: won't fix
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates some issue and comment data are missing.