- 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone
(11.x)$ ag -l "^function|^class|^interface" `ag -l "^require_once"` | nl 1 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Error/DrupalLogErrorTest.php
PSR1 states, "This means each class is in a file by itself, and is in a namespace of at least one level: a top-level vendor name." but there are 125 files with two classes.
- 🇧🇪Belgium borisson_ Mechelen, 🇧🇪
So we clearly aren't there yet, but I guess we can look at the individual rules that make up that
phpcs --standard=PSR1
, and introduce them into our own phpcs.xml, so that we can eventually say we are compliant with PSR-1? - 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone
Yes, it would be nice to say we comply. I updated the remaining task with some steps.
I also am changing this to 'Minor'. While we don't have a definition of the priorities for Coding Standards, I think 'normal' would be issues that directly affect our code base.