Notices due to clone_parent variable being NULL instead of FALSE

Created on 3 March 2016, about 9 years ago
Updated 25 July 2023, over 1 year ago

After a while I updated modules on my app which is using superfish module and it started to throw notices:

Notice: Undefined index: title in theme_superfish_menu_item_link() (line 2170 of /var/www/elbe/ver/initial/sites/all/modules/contrib/superfish/superfish.module).

Notice: Undefined index: href in theme_superfish_menu_item_link() (line 2170 of /var/www/elbe/ver/initial/sites/all/modules/contrib/superfish/superfish.module).

I figured out that it is doing only when unchecking "Add cloned parent links to the top of sub-menus" option for Superfish menu. In the code I realized that $clone_parent is set to NULL instead of FALSE and then it won't pass many conditions like this:

  if ($clone_parent !== FALSE) {
    array_unshift($menu, $clone_parent);

Don't know if this is problem only on my side, but if this options is enabled, the $cloned_parent value is OK, being cloned parent.

πŸ› Bug report

Closed: outdated





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