- 🇺🇸United States tr Cascadia
This is a good idea. After thinking about it for a while, I have requested an ownership transfer. See 💬 Taking over the Trending namespace Active
Radioactivity provides a really cool feature, and the name is clever. However, the project suffers from a findability problem. If you put on your site builder hat and consider what you'd search for to find this sort of feature, "trending" or "popularity" are the ideas that are going to come to mind; "radioactivity" would never make the list.
From my own experience, it took me an awful long time to find this module. I knew that someone must have built this sort of feature, but my search efforts were frustrating.
I'd highly recommend that you go through the process to take over → the Trending → name (that project never even got off the ground) and re-frame the wording of the module to align with that. I think this will make the project much easier to find, which will increase adoption.
I know it might be more difficult to make that jump mid-stream, but D8 offers an opportunity to start it off fresh so that you don't have to worry about getting the D6/7 users to switch the module over.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
This is a good idea. After thinking about it for a while, I have requested an ownership transfer. See 💬 Taking over the Trending namespace Active