I've set up Drupal Rules to schedule emails and Twilio SMS to remind users of driving lessons on http://fifthgear.com.au, however I downloaded a log of SMS messages sent and there are only a portion of messages that have been sent. No fails, just messages not being sent.
Rules is set up that when a Lesson node is saved, an email and SMS is scheduled to send two days before a lesson.
For 30th July, 23 lessons were scheduled, but on 28th July (two days before), only 9 messages were sent.
I have no idea why less than half the messages are being sent. The mobile number field is using the Phone module - https://www.drupal.org/project/phone → - hoping that this would provide some extra validation.
Happy to email admin access to the site and email the log I downloaded from Twilio.
Any help would be fantastic.
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