Created on 4 March 2015, almost 10 years ago
Updated 11 November 2024, 3 months ago

This bug report should be pretty easy to configure and replicate. I literally installed the module and it instantly broke my site trying to configure the module. I suspect this is related to code from installed modules. I will describe as accurately as possible.

Steps to replicate.

1. Install Pushtape Music Distribution - USE Version - pushtape-7.x -1.0-beta18-core.tar.gz

2. Install additional modules; webform 7.x-4.3, webform scheduler 7.x-1.0-beta8, views infinite scroll 7.x-1.1, views, 7.x-3.10, views UI 7.x-3.10, soundcloud field 7.x-1.4, twitter block 7.x-2.2, token 7.x-1.5, social media links block 7.x-1.4, (scheduler 7.x-1.3 - May come in pushtape distro modules), image block 7.x-1.3, entity API 7.x-1.5, Disqus 7.x-1.10, Features 7.x-2.8

3. configure modules to be functional, meaning;

a)setup disqus to be functional create a disqus comment section for all tracks content type,
b)create a soundcloud field but do not create any content with it,
c)setup and create a views infinite scroll of one content type - make sure to upload the additional Jquery file required by this module to your folders to make this feature correctly work - make the view a page and link to main menu - choose to not show author information.
d)setup a scheduler for a content type - do not schedule any posts.
e)setup social media links block use it as a block in top of page
f)create an imageblock image and put it in the header of the site.
g)setup twitter block and put it in sidebar 2nd.

4. Make sure to make the same modules enabled. To replicate the settings follow below list of enabled modules with version numbers. I listed each section of modules where they are in the modules page and version number.

A Core Modules)
Enabled Modules; Block 7.34, dashboard 7.34, field 7.34, field sql storage 7.34, field UI 7.34, file 7.34, filter 7.34, help 7.34, image 7.34, list 7.34, menu 7.34, node 7.34, number 7.34, options 7.34, overlay 7.34, path 7.34, RDF 7.34, system 7.34, taxonomy 7.34, text 7.34, toolbar 7.34, update manager 7.34, user 7.34,

B Chaos tools suite)
Enabled Modules;Chaos tools 7.x-1.6

C Date / Time)
Enabled Modules; Date 7.x-2.8, Date API 7.x-2.8, Date popup 7.x-2.8, Date views 7.x-2.8

D Features)
Enabled Modules; Features 7.x-2.3

E Fields)
Enabled Modules; Entity reference 7.x-1.1, Link 7.x-1.3

F Other)
Enabled Modules; Colorbox 7.x-2.8, Disqus 7.x-1.10, Entity API 7.x-1.5, Imageblock 7.x-1.3,Libraries 7.x-2.2, Pathauto 7.x-1.2, Scheduler 7.x-1.3, Social media links block 7.x-1.3, Token 7.x-1.5, Twitter block 7.x-2.2,

G Pushtape)
Enabled Modules;Enable all modules in the pushtape section. (These come with the distribution)

H Soundcloud)
Enabled Modules; Soundcloud field 7.x-1.4

I Views)
Enabled Modules; Views 7.x-3.10, Views infinite scroll 7.x-1.1, Views UI 7.x-3.10

J Webform)
Enabled Modules; 7.x-4.3

5. Create 8 blocks - place 5 in the sidebar 2nd - two in footer - One in Main content area, Place social links in top section of blocks, Place twitter block in sidebar 2nd, (One block in sidebar 2nd must be a webform with a fieldset use a title Subscribe and the description in fieldset "Are you a fan of my show ? Sign up for email updates here." Add one field to the webform of E-mail - name it "E-mail".)

6. Setup google calendar by using the embed code from google, paste code on a page and link page to the main menu.

7. Create 2 webforms and place on the same page as google calendar,
(One webform is a multipage webform using conditionals and fully configured, 2 fields on one page one, a select list with 4 options on page 2, each option has a conditional to create a new field text field box to collect a phone number or email, cell or home number, on the 3rd page of the webform have a date drop-down as well as a time drop down with hour and minute hours are 12, minutes available 00 and 30. ),Create one other webform to collect only an E-mail address, use both these webforms as "blocks" and place them on the calendar page in your blocks choosing to display only on the same page as the calendar. Place the advance webform above the calendar main content and place the email webform below the calendar.

8. Install the FB Like button module.

9. Go to modules, click either link to configure the module.

10. WSOD

πŸ› Bug report

Closed: outdated





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  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦Ukraine AstonVictor

    I'm closing it because the issue was created a long time ago without any further steps.

    if you still need it then raise a new one.

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