Marking as closed because the Drupal 7 release is not supported anymore.
tooltip.module.js needs to look like:
Drupal.behaviors.tooltip = {
attach: function (context, settings)
(function ($){
"use strict";
// If tipsy is not loaded, fail silently.
if (!$.fn.tipsy || !Drupal.settings.tooltip) {
$.each(Drupal.settings.tooltip, function (index, tip) {
// Default options. = || true;
// We can't provide the tip text as an argument directly, so we make a
// callback for it instead. This is called a title callback.
tip.title = function () {
return tip.content;
Also it needs to require the tipsy module.
Closed: outdated
Marking as closed because the Drupal 7 release is not supported anymore.