- πΊπΈUnited States swirt Florida
Moving this request to Codit: Batch Operations which is the new replacement for Codit:crons.
Blocked by β¨ Add an option to run a BatchOperation via cron Active
It would be helpful to have support for a cron time pattern like these:
Example 'at the x:15 ' This pattern would run the cron job on the first cron run after the quarter past every hour. So it would run AFTER
1:15 AM
2:15 AM
A similar effect could be created by using the currently supported "every 1 hour after 00:15". The time would cause it to run soon after 15 mintues past midnight... then every hour after that. But due to the nature of cron timing, the time would meander.
These patterns are common and a bit more reliable for repeating at a time of the clock..
This is currently part of the roadmap for the module.
Moving this request to Codit: Batch Operations which is the new replacement for Codit:crons.