I cant find a way to cite with [bib]key[bib] or [ibib] … [/ibib] and print the precise pagenumber of the source.
For Example: When bibkey references an article from a Journal with 5 pages
prints the footnote like ist should:
1. Title of Journal Article in citeproc format … p. 61–65.
Now it would be really useful to make something like this to print precise pages of quoted content :
"Lorem impsum quote" [bib]bibkey:63[/bib]
to get:
"Lorem ipsum quote" (1)
1. Title of Journal Article in citeproc format … p. 61–65, p. 63.
I tried with inline-citation in a footnote-tag, like [fn][ibib]key[/ibib], p.63.[/fn]. This is ok for now, but the obvious problem is, that the manually inserted text comes in a own paragraph outside the div which contains the bibref. With some extra css it looks ok for now, but thats not a good solution.
Thanks for any interest in this.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.