I am creating a site using Domain Access, where a sub-domain's frontpage is a a panels custom page with three variants the path calling the page is abc/9999 where 9999 is the group id with which the logged in user is affiliated in their user profile.
Access to each variant is restricted to specific roles
This works well so far for the basic display and title customization of the page.
Within each variant, I had hoped to use a three tab interface created by the module QuickTabs, each tab of which would, using the callback option, call a homebox page, where in I would place the blocks and view that were to provide the user with the features prescribed for the role of the given logged in user.
Problem is though I can't seem to make the context pass through to the views or the blocks that I intend for the user functional interface. The views themselves work as expected when place directly in the panels page, as do the blocks.
I am wondering if there is something I've overlooked in building this interface or would it work if I cut out the use of the homebox module, Using three quicktabs blocks to call panels pages directly, thus needing a total of 9 panels pages. The modularity of a blocks based approach is needed due to the lack of fixed requirements and the need to deploy the basic interface while still developing the evolving portion.