Make the requirement for jquery_update in 7.x-3.x an actual dependency in

Created on 26 December 2013, about 11 years ago
Updated 2 May 2024, 10 months ago

In #2036601: Create a 7.x-3.x branch to support the latest versions of required js libraries - Keep 7.x-2.x compatible with default Drupal. β†’ we created a new 3.x branch in order to upgrade the outdated libraries that ship with 7.x-2.x because the new versions of these libraries require latest versions of jQuery than what ships with Drupal 7 by default (1.4.4). This would mean forcing users to also install jQuery Update and we didn't want to do that to the current large (more than 85.000) user base of the module.

7.x-3.x would require jQuery Update, but the only dependency currently defined in is to the core menu module:

name = Nice Menus
description = CSS/jQuery drop-down, drop-right and drop-left menus to be placed in blocks
dependencies[] = menu
core = 7.x
configure = admin/config/user-interface/nice_menus

Lets change it to:

name = Nice Menus
description = CSS/jQuery drop-down, drop-right and drop-left menus to be placed in blocks
dependencies[] = menu
dependencies[] = jquery_update
core = 7.x
configure = admin/config/user-interface/nice_menus

This would be a first step...

Next, we will have to wait for #2162935: Build a stable (non-dev) that offers jQuery 1.9.x - other modules need it (Nice Menus for example). β†’ to be fixed and an actual stable release of jQuery Update that offers 1.9.1 as an option to be built. This would allow us to change the line from:

dependencies[] = jquery_update


dependencies[] = jquery_update (>=7.x-2.4)

πŸ“Œ Task

Closed: outdated





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πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊAustralia klonos 90% Melbourne, Australia - 10% Larissa, Greece

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