Enable / Disable menu for content types on same manage page

Created on 15 September 2012, almost 12 years ago
Updated 19 April 2023, over 1 year ago

There is 2 problems:
- difficult to add a menu and enable it for node page. Users assumed it enabled by default. (they don't know where to enable it for node edit form)

- Very hard to enable / disable a menu for multiple content types

To add a new menu and enable it for "Basic Page", now:

1. go to menu page and add it
2. go to basic page and enabled it

actually, it's 6+ steps/clicks (if you only enable it for ONE content type) :

For each ONE MORE content type, you have to do extra 3 steps. So that for 10 content types. It's about 33 steps. (it hasn't count SAVE button clicks)

✨ Feature request




Menu systemΒ  β†’

Last updated 1 day ago

Created by

πŸ‡­πŸ‡°Hong Kong droplet

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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.

  • πŸ‡³πŸ‡ΏNew Zealand DanielVeza Brisbane, AU

    So I guess the proposed solution for this one would be:

    Add a new field that outputs a checkbox for each content type to /admin/structure/menu/manage/{menu-name}
    Update the submit handler to save the menu to the third_party_settings for each node type that is ticked.

    This is an 11 year old feature request that hasn't had any traction. Is this something thats worth actioning?

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