I'm using AdaptiveTheme + Customized ATcommerce 3x-dev + superfish.
But I don't know how to configure the superfish menu to work in touch screens.
The only related settings I found in admin are here:
XXXXXX/admin/structure/block/manage/superfish/1/configure (under Superfish plugins)
There, I ACTIVATED "Use jQuery sf-Touchscreen plugin for this menu"
Then, I have "Use this mode only if below user agents were detected." DISABLED.
I can't see any different behavoir after doing this. I don't know what this activation should do.
I was looking for a functionality similar to open submenus on-click, since this is the only problem I can detect for submenus accessibility on touch screens. It looks like a basic need for SF menus, but I don't find the way. Can you help me?
(I made a AT-Commerce Issue and not a Superfish Issue because I read in this thread http://drupal.org/node/1448752 this functionality problems may be a theme issue and not a module issue)