- 🇦🇺Australia dpi Perth, Australia
See also newer discussions in 📌 Replace hook_cron() with a more modern approach Needs work
At least since 4.6 and probably earlier too, cron tasks have been (as I see them) an unclassified amount of tasks handled by module on all cron runs, requiring each module to take uncoordinated steps on its own to manage its own scheduling, with the net result that cron tasks have to fire all existing hook_cron implementations, potentially to memory exhaustion problems in many hosting situations (see the number of issues around this, notably regarding search).
One way to work around this would be to enable cron-based scheduling instead of module-based scheduling, and/or allow cron to be called to invoke specific cron-ed tasks instead of the whole lot, much like the original UNIX cron uses a crontab instead of relying on every cron job to know when it must be scheduled.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
See also newer discussions in 📌 Replace hook_cron() with a more modern approach Needs work