Eliminate white space or adjust padding

Created on 12 April 2012, almost 13 years ago
Updated 2 May 2024, 10 months ago

Print screen of problem:

As you can see from the picture, my Nice Menu does not expand all the way across the site or all the way up. The problem with it going up to the top of my header is theme related and we can address that later (I hope).

What I was wondering is if there was something I could change in the CSS to make the menu span the full width of the page. By either creating empty purple space to the right or by adding padding to all of the links. I would prefer to add purple space.

Here is the code I've changed so far:


  This file contains the basic logic for nice menus, and should not be
  edited.  To customize the menus, it's recommended to create a custom CSS
  file using nice_menus_default.css as a template, then configure the module
  to use your custom CSS file (this is done in the global settings tab of
  the theme administration.)

/* Below should fix menu being a few pixels away in some themes, and menus disappearing behind other stuff. */
.block-nice-menus {
  line-height: normal;
  z-index: 10;

ul.nice-menu ul {
  z-index: 5;
  position: relative;

ul.nice-menu li {
  position: relative;

ul.nice-menu a {
  display: block;
  /*Default to Blue, but override as necessary*/
  color: #FFFFFF;


ul.nice-menu ul,
/* For Garland header. */
#header-region ul.nice-menu ul {
  position: absolute;
  visibility: hidden;

ul.nice-menu li.over ul {
  visibility: visible;

ul.nice-menu ul li {
  display: block;

ul.nice-menu:after {
  content: ".";
  display: block;
  height: 0;
  clear: both;
  visibility: hidden;

/* Show submenus when over their parents. */
ul.nice-menu li:hover ul,
ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li:hover ul,
ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li:hover ul,
ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li.menuparent li:hover ul,
ul.nice-menu li.over ul,
ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.over ul,
ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li.over ul,
ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li.menuparent li.over ul,
/* Repeat all this stuff just for Garland headers. */
#header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li:hover ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li:hover ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.over ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.over ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent li.menuparent li.over ul {
  visibility: visible;

/* Hide sub-menus initially. */
ul.nice-menu li:hover ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li:hover ul ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover ul ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li.over ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li.over ul ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li.over li.over ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li.over li.over ul ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li.over li.over li.over ul ul,
ul.nice-menu li.over li.over li.over ul ul ul,
/* Repeat all this stuff just for Garland headers. */
#header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover ul ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover ul ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.over ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.over ul ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.over li.over ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.over li.over ul ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.over li.over li.over ul ul,
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.over li.over li.over ul ul ul {
  visibility: hidden;

 IE 6 Fixes

/* Iframe to fix z-index bug when menu hovers over <select> fields. */
ul.nice-menu li.menuparent ul,
/* For Garland header. */
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent ul {
	overflow: visible !important;
	/* overflow: hidden; */

ul.nice-menu li.menuparent ul iframe,
/* For Garland header. */
#header-region ul.nice-menu li.menuparent ul iframe {
	display: none;
	display/**/: block;
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	z-index: -1;
	filter: mask();
	width: 20px;
	height: 20px;


  This is the default layout template for nice menus, and will provide
  a starting point for the look of your menus. To customize, it's
  recommended to create a custom CSS file using this file as a template,
  then configure the module to use your custom CSS file
  (this is done in the global settings tab of the theme administration.)

  See README.txt and the handbook page (http://drupal.org/node/185543)
  for more information on using the CSS.

 Global CSS for ALL menu types

ul.nice-menu ul {
  list-style: none;
  padding: 0px;
  margin: 0;
  border-top: 1px solid #4B116F;

ul.nice-menu li {
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  border-top: 0;
  float: left; /* LTR */
  background-color: #4B116F;

ul.nice-menu a {
  padding: 0.3em 5px 0.3em 5px;

ul.nice-menu ul {
  top: 1.8em;
  left: -1px; /* LTR */
  border: 0;
  border-top: 1px solid #4B116F;
  margin-right: 0; /* LTR */

ul.nice-menu ul li {
  width: 12.5em;

 HORIZONTAL (down) menus

ul.nice-menu-down {
  float: left; /* LTR */
  border: 0;

ul.nice-menu-down li {
  border-top: 1px solid #4B116F;

ul.nice-menu-down li li {
  border-top: 0;

ul.nice-menu-down ul {
  left: 0; /* LTR */

ul.nice-menu-down ul li {
  clear: both;

ul.nice-menu-down li ul li ul {
  left: 12.5em; /* LTR */
  top: -1px;

ul.nice-menu-down .menuparent a {
  padding-right: 30px; /* LTR */

ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent {
  background: #4B116F url(arrow-down.png) right center no-repeat; /* LTR */

ul.nice-menu-down li:hover {
	background-color: #fdd400;

/*Get UNI Yellow then only middle dividers not top and bottom*/

/* ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent:hover {
  background-color: #fdd400;
  font-color: #4B116F;

ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent:hover {
  background: #fdd400 url(arrow-down.png) right center no-repeat; /* LTR */

 Garland-specific CSS

 * Global CSS for ALL menu types
ul.nice-menu li {
  margin: 0;
  padding-left: 30px; /* LTR */
  background-image: none;

#header-region ul.nice-menu li {
  margin: 0;
  /* Padding rules are needed to deal with Garland's header line-height. */
  padding-top: 0.1em;
  padding-bottom: 0.1em;
  background: #4B116F;

#header-region ul.nice-menu ul {
  top: 1.8em;
  left: -1px; /* LTR */
  border: 0;
  border-top: 1px solid #4B116F;
  margin-right: 0; /* LTR */

#header-region ul.nice-menu ul {
  top: 1.7em;

 * HORIZONTAL (down) menus
#header-region ul.nice-menu-down li ul li ul {
  left: 12.5em; /* LTR */
  top: -1px;

#header-region ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent {
  background: #4B116F url(arrow-down.png) right center no-repeat; /* LTR */

#header-region ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent:hover {
  background: #4B116F url(arrow-down.png) right center no-repeat; /* LTR */


ul.nice-menu,ul.nice-menu ul
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

ul.nice-menu li
  background-color: #4D0A77;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  border-top: 0;
  float: right;

ul.nice-menu a
  padding: 0.3em 5px 0.3em 5px;

ul.nice-menu ul
  border: 0;
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
  margin-left: 0;
  right: -1px;
  top: 1.8em;

ul.nice-menu ul li
  width: 12.5em;

ul.nice-menu-right,ul.nice-menu-left,ul.nice-menu-right li,ul.nice-menu-left li
  width: 12.5em;

ul.nice-menu-right ul
  right: 12.5em;
  top: -1px;
  width: 12.5em;

ul.nice-menu-right ul ul
  right: 12.5em;
  top: -1px;
  width: 12.5em;

ul.nice-menu-right li.menuparent,ul.nice-menu-right li li.menuparent
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-right.png) right center no-repeat;

ul.nice-menu-right li.menuparent:hover,ul.nice-menu-right li li.menuparent:hover
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-right.png) right center no-repeat;

ul.nice-menu-left li ul
  right: 12.60em;
  top: -1px;
  width: 12.5em;

ul.nice-menu-left li ul li ul
  right: 12.60em;
  top: -1px;
  width: 12.5em;

ul.nice-menu-left li.menuparent,ul.nice-menu-left li li.menuparent
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-left.png) left center no-repeat;

ul.nice-menu-left li.menuparent:hover,ul.nice-menu-left li li.menuparent:hover
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-left.png) left center no-repeat;

ul.nice-menu-left a,ul.nice-menu-left ul a
  padding-right: 30px;

  border: 0;
  float: right;

ul.nice-menu-down li
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc;

ul.nice-menu-down li li
  border-top: 0;

ul.nice-menu-down ul
  right: 0;

ul.nice-menu-down ul li
  clear: both;

ul.nice-menu-down li ul li ul
  right: 12.5em;
  top: -1px;

ul.nice-menu-down .menuparent a
  padding-left: 30px;

ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-down.png) right center no-repeat;

ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent:hover
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-down.png) right center no-repeat;

ul.nice-menu-down li li.menuparent
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-right.png) right center no-repeat;

ul.nice-menu-down li li.menuparent:hover
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-right.png) right center no-repeat;

ul.nice-menu li
  background-image: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding-right: 30;

#header-region ul.nice-menu li
  background: #4D0A77;
  margin: 0;
  padding-bottom: 0.1em;
  padding-top: 0.1em;

#header-region ul.nice-menu ul
  border: 0;
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
  margin-left: 0;
  right: -1px;
  top: 1.8em;

#header-region ul.nice-menu ul
  top: 1.7em;

#header-region ul.nice-menu-down li ul li ul
  right: 12.5em;
  top: -1px;

#header-region ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-down.png) right center no-repeat;

#header-region ul.nice-menu-down li.menuparent:hover
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-down.png) right center no-repeat;

#header-region ul.nice-menu-down li li.menuparent
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-right.png) right center no-repeat;

#header-region ul.nice-menu-down li li.menuparent:hover
  background: #4D0A77 url(arrow-right.png) right center no-repeat;
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Closed: outdated




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