My proposal (patch) is about usability.
It's convenient to set checked list item in ticket list to avoid Error message if State, Priority or Assigned person changed by user.
It's not so difficult (except may be good idea to use js file for the module)
1 Add registration call to page preparation
function support_page_form(&$form_state, $client = NULL, $state = NULL) {
Line:2618 drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'support'). '/support.js');
2 add support.js script:
* Register handlers when document loaded
$(document).ready(function() {
/*Add automatically check items if user select new Priority, State or Assigned in list*/
$('div.form-item select.form-select').change(SelModifiedItem);
* Select "modified" checkbox to include item to update list
* when state, priority or assigned has been changed
function SelModifiedItem() {
var item_chboxid = 'edit-tickets-'+'-')[2];
var modified_item_checkbox = document.getElementById(item_chboxid);
modified_item_checkbox.checked = true;
Closed: outdated