- πΊπ¦Ukraine AstonVictor
I'm closing it because the issue was created a long time ago without any further steps.
if you still need it then raise a new one.
Currently there is no easy way to export and import settings for items.
The features module seems to be the best way atm.
I am trying to do this with an array and without getting the taxonomy tree I get an error in the admin form. To stop this can we change the isset to empty?
//line 130 of cctags.admin.inc
-- '#default_value' => (isset($item['item_data']['vocs']))?$item['item_data']['vocs'][$key]:FALSE,
++ '#default_value' => (empty($item['item_data']['vocs']))?$item['item_data']['vocs'][$key]:FALSE,
Then this should will work without errors.
function save_new_cctags_item ($settings) {
$item = array ();
$block_name = array ();
$page_path = $settings[ 'page_path' ];
$page_title = check_plain ( $settings[ 'page_title' ] );
$fields = array (
'name' => check_plain ( $settings[ 'name' ] ) ,
'block' => $settings[ 'block' ] ,
'block_name' => $settings['block_name'] ,
'page' => $settings[ 'page' ] ,
'page_title' => $page_title ,
'page_path' => $page_path ,
'page_level' => $settings[ 'page_level' ] ,
'page_amount' => $settings[ 'page_amount' ] ,
'page_sort' => $settings[ 'page_sort' ] ,
'page_mode' => $settings[ 'page_mode' ] ,
'page_vocname' => $settings[ 'page_vocname' ] ,
'page_extra_class' => $settings[ 'page_extra_class' ] ,
'item_data' => serialize ( $settings['item_data'] ) ,
$cctid = db_insert ( 'cctags' )->fields ( $fields )->execute ();
if ( empty( $page_path ) && $settings[ 'page' ] ) {
$page_path = 'cctags/page/' . $cctid;
db_update ( 'cctags' )
->fields (
array (
'page_path' => $page_path ,
->condition ( 'cctid' , $cctid )
->execute ();
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'The Cctags item %name has been created.' , array ( '%name' => check_plain ( $settings[ 'name' ] ) ) ) );
_cctags_clear_cache ( $cctid , 'all' );
return $cctid;
$test = array (
'cctid' => 4 ,
'name' => 'tags' ,
'block' => 1 ,
'block_name' => 'Tags' ,
'page' => 0 ,
'page_title' => '' ,
'page_path' => '' ,
'page_level' => 5 ,
'page_amount' => 0 ,
'page_sort' => 'title,asc' ,
'page_mode' => 'mixed' ,
'page_vocname' => 0 ,
'page_extra_class' => '' ,
'item_data' => array (
'vocs' => array (
//use your own vocab ids here with a 1 to enable
3 => 1 ,
) ,
'level' => array (
//use your own vocab ids levels here
3 => array (
0 => 1 ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
save_new_cctags_item ($test );
Closed: outdated
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
I'm closing it because the issue was created a long time ago without any further steps.
if you still need it then raise a new one.