Support Libraries API for the js files.

Created on 20 January 2012, about 13 years ago
Updated 2 May 2024, 10 months ago

The Libraries API module for some time now is evolving to the standard way of including 3rd party libraries support. It has a lot of very useful features, but in our case we would mostly benefit from:

- The same library can be shared by more than one module/site. (hoverIntent in our case)
- Ease the process of upgrading a module that requires an external library. Just replace the module folder with the new one. No need to move the contained library out and back in (also see #1411250: Upgrade included hoverIntent library to r7 (currently shipping r5) β†’ ).

I'm not suggesting to completely remove the included libraries we currently ship (these can be left in order to provide an out-of-the-box experience). All I'm saying is that we should allow included libraries' versions to be overridden by any available under /sites/all/libraries.

Thanx for considering this.

πŸ“Œ Task

Closed: outdated





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πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊAustralia klonos 90% Melbourne, Australia - 10% Larissa, Greece

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