Please provide Starter CSS classes like AT does!

Created on 5 November 2011, over 13 years ago
Updated 27 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

The one reason I find myself always going back to AdaptiveTheme is because the starter theme gives me a bunch of empty drupal classes to fill in my styles into. Then i just delete the styles I don't use when I am done.

Thanks Jake & Co for this great theme. Now if you would be so kind to provide empty classes in global.css for starters, that'd make things so much easier. A few times, I've tried to use Omega, I always go back into AT starter to copy the starter styles (empty drupal classes) provided and then paste them into my Omega theme : (

Also this will also guide new users into figuring out what styles should (suggestively) go into global.css, or default etc.

Many thanks :)

Feature request






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🇺🇸United States Sunflower

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