- 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹
I am closing this issue, since it is for a Drupal version that now is not supported.
Please re-open it if the issue is also relevant for other project branches that require a supported Drupal version.
Activemenu 2 defines a permission in its hook_menu implementation:
22 $items['admin/settings/activemenu'] = array(
23 'title' => 'Activemenu settings',
24 'description' => 'Specify the menus where enable active menus and how.',
25 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
26 'page arguments' => array('activemenu_admin'),
27 'access arguments' => array('administer activemenu'),
28 'file' => 'activemenu.admin.inc',
29 );
The access arguments there imply that the "administer activemenu" permission is valid. Unfortunately the module does not implement hook_perm. As a result, it is not possible to grant the permission and only the first user can administer activemenu. Adding a hook_perm implementation would fix the issue:
function activemenu_perm() {
return array('administer activemenu');
Closed: outdated
I am closing this issue, since it is for a Drupal version that now is not supported.
Please re-open it if the issue is also relevant for other project branches that require a supported Drupal version.