During the Git Phase Next: Promised Land talk, it was stated that an ideal issue queue might have it's own openly commit-able repo/sandbox so that anyone can jump in and help fix problems with that issue. What REALLY helps with understanding an issue and working towards a tangible conclusion is being able to see a demo of the planned feature or fix.
What if we could leverage the Demo module to spin up a temporary multisite that showcases the sandbox's code inside a stock D7/D8 site?. It would be better than random screenshots of a point in time that could already be obsolete cause somebody else *just* committed more code. :)
Thoughts: the demo website would have to utilize a certain 'snapshot' of the repo that's tied to an issue number + comment number, or it would make no sense. Also, the person who clicks the 'make this commit into a demo site' checkbox during a comment would be the one who 'owns' that demo site, and they'd have to re-confirm their continued desire to keep this demo site alive until such time as they stop clicking 'yes' in the monthly email prompt or the issue is closed by the two-week autobot.
Closed: works as designed
Meta and Use Case
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.