Notice: Undefined index: SERVER_SOFTWARE in system_requirements()

Created on 9 November 2010, almost 14 years ago
Updated 17 March 2023, over 1 year ago

At the Verify requirements stage of an installation, with the URL: /install.php?profile=standard&locale=en I get:

Notice: Undefined index: SERVER_SOFTWARE in system_requirements() (line 51 of /var/www/drupal-7.0-beta2/modules/system/system.install).

Then when I continued on 7.x-dev it stopped working, unfortunately I didn't copy the error message.

Instead I tried 7.0-beta2 and there it is working fine.

I highly suspect this is due to my configuration of nginx, but this same configuration hasn't been a problem with anything before.

πŸ› Bug report

Needs work


7.0 ⚰️

InstallΒ  β†’

Last updated 2 days ago

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