I am not sure where or how to submit this, but if anyone finds it useful here is a Module I have written which adds extra CCK fields to hold the first date, and the Until date, extracted from a Repeated Date field.
------------------The Start/Until Date Drupal Module----------------------------
Start/Until Date is a cck module which extends the features of the Date module.
For the Repeated Date feature (only), it makes the Start date of a set of
Repeated Dates, and the corresponding Until date available as separate fields
which may be displayed, filtered on, etc.
The main purpose was to permit filtering on start and until dates in Views.
It does not have the flexibility of the Date module as far as displaying
dates is concerned.
Start/Until Date requires the content module (cck), and the Date module.
------------------------- Benefits -----------------------------------------
The scenario for which this module is intended is e.g. an exhibition
which uses the Repeated Dates feature to run daily from Date X to Date Y, or
a course of lectures which runs weekly ditto (with possible exceptions). When
displaying the node it is required to show one item with information relevant
to the sequence as a whole, NOT one for each repeated date.
The module provides the following features which cannot be (easily) achieved
using the Date module alone:
1. Ability to filter on the Until date. E.g. show all exhibitions which have
not yet finished, AND still access the date of the start of the run. (If you
use Date filter and then Group Multiple Values, you only get the dates after
now, and it always looks as if events started today.)
2. Select for courses currently running, by using both Start and End dates.
This works even for weekly repeats which don't happen to be on today.
3. Select Courses which have finished by filtering on Until
use the Date filter you can only select items which have not already started, not
those which have finished.)
4. Display the Until date without writing template code to extract it from the
Repeat Rule.
5. There should be a performance benefit from doing the calculations once when
the item is edited, rather than selecting multiple database rows and then
collapsing them using Group Multiple Values.
----------------------------- Deficiencies ----------------------------------
1. CCK does not allow storage of objects, so the dates are stored as varchar
in a standard format, rather than e.g. datetime fields. No end-user impact.
2. I have not worked out how to hook into all the output Formats managed by
the Date module, so the formatting of output is significantly less flexible.
3. Similarly I have had to use the basic Views date filter as a basis, rather
than the one in the Date module, which is neater.
4. Timezone handling is less flexible than the Date module. It just allows
for the default site timezone rather than anything more flexible.
5. (By design) it only deals with dates, and not times.
------------------------- Acknowledgement -------------------------------
Start/Until Date is based heavily on the computed_field module, with the
user configuration options reduced for this specific purpose.
-----------------------About Computed Field-----------------------------------
Start/Until Date was written by Tony Maynard-Smith
Closed: won't fix
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
No activities found.