- Issue created by @jonathan1055
jonathan1055 →
committed 12c408ca on 2.x
Issue #3510926 by jonathan1055: Remove tempoary D11 alternative composer...
jonathan1055 →
committed 12c408ca on 2.x
- Merge request !232#3510926 Drop alternate d11 composer.json [1.x] → (Merged) created by jonathan1055
jonathan1055 →
committed 4e304b84 on 8.x-1.x
Issue #3510926 by jonathan1055: Remove tempoary D11 alternative composer...
jonathan1055 →
committed 4e304b84 on 8.x-1.x
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathan1055
Merged on 2.x and 8.x-1.x
The pipelines on the ECA issue now correctly load ECA and the phpstan job passes.