- Issue created by @Corn696
We have encountered an issue on our Open Social installation where profile fields are no longer syncing. The "syncProfileFields" event seems to no longer execute, as I added some debugging to the event and saw no output.
The mapping itself appears to work.
When I add following code directly into the DrupalUserProcessor of the LDAP module, the fields sync correctly. (On a clean Drupal installation, I had to manually fill a field first to create the profile entity for the user, so I believe I may be missing a setting here, that creates the profile on registration)
DrupalUserProcessor.php Line 842
if ($value_type === 'profile') {
$profiles = $this->account->get('my_profile_profiles')->referencedEntities();
foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
$profile->set($value_name, $value === '' ? NULL : $value);