- Issue created by @bakerrac12
- 🇮🇳India vinayakmk47
Hi @bakerrac12, I tried to reproduce the issue by installing the module on 10.4.2 and visited /admin/config/people/multiple_registration url it is working perfectly fine for me no issues.
Multiple registration pages give error
running D 10.4.2
install latest version
go to /admin/config/people/multiple_registration
get this error:
"TypeError: Drupal\multiple_registration\Controller\MultipleRegistrationController::__construct(): Argument #3 ($aliasManager) must be of type Drupal\path_alias\AliasManager, Drupal\workspaces\WorkspacesAliasManager given, called in /home/rachel/subdomain/stage/web/modules/contrib/multiple_registration/src/Controller/MultipleRegistrationController.php on line 99 in Drupal\multiple_registration\Controller\MultipleRegistrationController->__construct() (line 87 of modules/contrib/multiple_registration/src/Controller/MultipleRegistrationController.php). "
I've tried re-installing the module --error persists
line 87 of modules/contrib/multiple_registration/src/Controller/MultipleRegistrationController.php
has 2 underscores I removed one.
then there is an issue on 177 of that page.
-debug MultipleRegistrationController.php
Hi @bakerrac12, I tried to reproduce the issue by installing the module on 10.4.2 and visited /admin/config/people/multiple_registration url it is working perfectly fine for me no issues.