- Issue created by @mediameriquat
I see an error message when I attempt to clear the cache or registry via drush (drush cc, drush cr)
TypeError: Drupal\tiny_slider\Commands\TinySliderCommands::__construct(): Argument #1 ($library_discovery) must be of type Drupal\Core\Asset\libraryDiscovery, Drupal\Core\Asset\LibraryDiscoveryCollector given in Drupal\tiny_slider\Commands\TinySliderCommands->__construct() (line 34 of /home/mediamer/public_html/modules/contrib/tiny_slider/src/Commands/TinySliderCommands.php).
Go to tiny_slider/src/Commands/TinySliderCommands.php, and remove the double underscore __ at line 34.
The error message is gone, drush works fine, the module works fine (I'm running it on D11 by the way)