- Issue created by @portulaca
I'm trying to upgrade to the new version and the database updates won't go through:
> [notice] Update started: simplenews_update_840001
> [error] Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDefinitionUpdateManager::uninstallFieldStorageDefinition(): Argument #1 ($storage_definition) must be of type Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface, null given, called in /var/www/[name]/web/modules/contrib/simplenews/simplenews.install on line 421
> [error] Update failed: simplenews_update_840001
[error] Update aborted by: simplenews_update_840001
I had customized the Subscribers Views but I've since removed the broken handler fields and filters, I can recreate it later.
I've read the 3 Issues related to the upgrade but it's not clear to me if I missed some steps along the way.